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Dallas Observer Music Awards 2008
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Monday, July 07, 2008

Dallas Observer Music Awards 2008

Hard to believe, isn't it? Another year has slipped through our fingers and toes. The murky beast we call “time” has feasted upon the cooler months, leaving nothing but the dog days and we once again find ourselves face-to-face with an awards show. The blessed event in question is The 2008 Dallas Observer Music Awards. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the annual orgy of ballot-stuffing, drink tickets, ignored speeches, and the hallmark of the season: questionable nominations.

With that last one in mind we're proud to announce that we, humble Shibboleth, have been nominated in a duet of categories:

- Best Funk / R&B
- Best Jazz

We'll let that sink in for a moment... here's a puppy...

It should come as no surprise that we don't think of ourselves as fitting into any of the above categories (except maybe when we back up Bobby P). That being said, we've spent the past eight years staring blankly at the floor whenever somebody asks us what kind of music we play, so who are we to complain? Perhaps the best classification we've ever (over)heard was from some nameless sorority princess who complained to her friend that we needed to “stop playing that Pac-Man shit and play something funky.”*

The fine folks at the Observer were suitably confused by this nomination as well.

Since the odds are there will never be a Best Pac-Man Shit category we'll just say that it really is nice to be nominated (by our peers, no less) and we'd really appreciate your vote and the vote of anybody else that you think might spare us a vote geez don't make us beg c'mon just vote will ya geez.

It is also worth noting that James, our estimable bass owner/player, has promised that if we win he will drink thirteen beers and perform a slap-bass solo on stage. If that doesn't invigorate the voting population than we don't know what will.

Go here to become part of history:

* True story.
