WFMU Fund-Raiser
Last year we were asked by Michael Shelly, DJ at the legendary WFMU in New Jersey, to contribute a track to his upcoming fundraising CD. We were quite flattered to be asked and jumped at the chance to participate. To make things even better, he requested that we contribute a cover of the "Rockford Files" theme song. Perfect choice, since we had been fooling around with it a sound checks for years. So we whipped up our little nugget and sent it to him. Little did we know we'd be appearing alongside such luminaries such as Yo La Tengo and The Minus 5 (among many many others). Take a look at Michael's page here to get a sense of how cool this is:
Even the New Yorker got in on the game and had something nice to say about us:
Shibboleth’s cover of Mike Post’s “Rockford Files” theme is a near-perfect copy, which raises the issue of why it needs to exist, but that raises a second question: why wouldn’t you want a near-perfect copy of the “Rockford Files” theme? (In fairness, this one loosens up the keyboard sound a bit as it goes, venturing into synth-flute territory, and there’s a nice little processed guitar solo as well.)
This is a limited-edition, limited time disc, so contribute before Sunday March 4, 2012 to get your copy.
Labels: Press, Rockford Files, WFMU
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